vineri, 1 iulie 2011

Un stat american da faliment

artioclul este AICI

sa spunem ca asta nu este nimic neobisnuit, stalele au mai dat faliment, chiar si California, care e un stat extrem de bogat. sa nu vorbim de Argentina, Islanda, Irlanda , Grecia (de mai multe ori) samd.

surpriza este ca, pur si simplu au tras heblul.
adica au inchis aproape tot.

este destul de tipic pentru modul american de aprivi lucrurile : nu mai avem bani, inchidem, ii concediem pe toi si gata.

in Europa n-o sa vezi asa ceva..
sunt sanse mici sa vedem filmul asta la nivel federal, fiindca implicatiile sunt mult prea periculoase pentru intreaga planeta.

dar poti sa stii?

2 comentarii:

  1. well, not quite (yet).

    this is good background:

    Essentially, a government shutdown is a refusal by the legislative branch (Congress at Federal level or a State Legislature) to appropriate more funds to be spend by the executive branch. The President or a State Governor can not spend one cent that has not been approved by Legislature (in fact, at Federal level, even House of Representative, not the Senate; it's People's money, therefore the People's House should decide how is spent).

    The budgetary problems of States are 100% a result of outrageous pay and benefits secured over time by ever-growing public unions, essentially a racketeering business where Unions essentially take money from the tax payers, which then they use to elect Democrats, which give them the tax payers money. The proportion of the problem has gotten to absurd dimensions (e.g. San Francisco's bus drivers earn over $100,000/yr; the State of CA has over eight THOUSAND employees earning over $200,000/yr; there are thousands of employees in several states earning more than the President of the United States, which on its face is absurd). Idea is simple: instead of an adversorial negotiation as in a private business union v. management, here the unions negotiated w/ themselves (the Democrats they give money to elect)over the cash of tax payers, which are not at the bargaining table.

    The shutdown is a standoff, where (usually Republican-controlled) legislatures - as a result of 2010 electoral sweep - refuse to raise tax higher in order to finance even more lavish public union pay.

    oh, yeah, and California is far more "broke" than Minnesota....

  2. eu zic ca e un comportament complet iresponsabil din partea clasei politice.
    ca e vorba de democrati, de republicani, nu conteaza.

    stiu doar ca in California a fost guvernator republican si majoritate democrata.
    ca vrei tu sa virezi raspunderea spre stanga democrata, asta e o alta problema (nu stiu daca e asa, sau nu).

    dar la nivelul US e problema foarte grava si nu prea vad semne bune in perspectiva acceptarii majorarii limitei de indatorare.

    republicanii se gandesc ca daca-ti tragi un glont in picior, vindeci cancerul.

    iar la nivel federal chiar nu poti pune degetul pe niciunul, Reagan si Bush sr. au inceput sa cheltuie in nestire, Clinton, care a fost democrat, a adus bugetul pe plus, Bush jr. l-a ingropat(da, o sa mi-o bagi iar pe aia cu nine eleven), iar Obama (democrat) l-a ingropat de tot.
    cheltuielile militare, printre altele, au ajuns la niste cote aberante.
    se pare ca nimeni nu accepta ca suntem la un fie de par de o recesiune incredibil de agresiva.

    iar aia 800.000 de angajati cu salarii mari din California....
    punem pariu ca sunt din ambele partide, cu ponderi similare?
